Algorithms and Data Structures - work organisation.
Dear Sir and Madam
According to the Rector regulation we are obliged to continue our classes in remote manner. I have published on Achilles portal instruction for this and next week. If it will be necessary, I will publish futher instructions.
The time to complete the 4th exercise is to Saturday, 21 March 2020, 23:55 PM. Till this time, please upload to me the result of your work on Moodle platform (all tasks from the current instruction). Because not everyone managed to enroll to Moodle, I send in the next emails to these persons links to places, where they will be able to upload their work. After came back at University, they will be asked to complete enroling to Moodle and send there their works.
Every next instruction should be completed before end of the day, in which classes should be.
A colloqium is susspended till a came back at the University.
If any problems occure, something will be unclear or you would like to consult any problem connected with our classes, I stay in touch via email and Skype.
Best regards
Leszek Ciopiński