
by Tomasz Michno published 2021/03/08 09:23:09 GMT+2, last modified 2021-03-08T09:23:09+02:00

Each point (e.g. 1. b) is a one project topic!

  1. Graph algorithms:

    1. Stable marriage algorithm – generating “stable” relationships on a basis of basic data concerning people (first name, last name, age) and lists of preferences.

    2. The traveling salesman problem – greedy solution vs brute force (for small number of items only).

  2. Trees:

    1. Trie” tree – insertion, deletion, search. Comparison with a uni-directional list.

    2. Binary Search Tree – insertion, deletion, search. Comparison with a uni-directional list.

  3. Sorting of arrays:

    1. Sorting of integer numbers using insertion sort, selection sort and bubble sort (basic algorithms).

    2. Sorting of characters (char) using insertion sort and Shell sort.

    3. Sorting of floating point numbers (float or double) using selection sort and heap sort.

    4. Sorting of integer numbers using bubble sort and quick sort.

    5. Sorting of characters (char) using Shell sort and quick sort.

  4. Hashing:

    1. Comparison of two chosen hashing functions (comparison of number of collisions, efficiency).

  5. Compression algorithms:

    1. Huffman compression.

    2. LZ77.

    3. LZ78.