
by Tomasz Michno published 2021/03/08 09:20:50 GMT+2, last modified 2021-03-08T09:20:50+02:00

Basic rules:

  • Each student carries out a single project topic;

  • The project classes are mandatory - due to remote classes only sending a short description about progress once a month;

  • Finished project consisting of the source code and report in electronic format (pdf) must be delivered by e-mail before the last project class in the semester;

Implementation of the project:

  • Main point of the project is to analyze a single algorithm or compare a few similar algorithms.

  • To complete the task, a program must be developed. The program must be able to run the algorithm(s) using different input data (e.g. variable number of elements, different ordering) and return results.

  • The program may be developed using any programming language.

  • The number of key operations (e.g. comparisons, visited graph nodes, iterations of a list) must be counted and the time of operations must also be measured.

  • Random data may be used as an input, but only if compared algorithms are ran using exactly the same data (e.g. from a file, generated with the same seed).

The project must be accompanied by a report (electronic version only – a PDF file), which should include:

  • Topic of the project, author info;

  • Description of algorithms in your own words (no Wikipedia!).

  • Description of the program with fragments of source code, comments and screenshots.

  • Explanation of methods used for measuring the efficiency of algorithms (e.g. the way counters were handled, how the time was measured).

  • Results of tests with diagrams.

  • Summary.