Lecture Completion Rules

by Paweł Pięta published 2019/01/18 06:23:00 GMT+2, last modified 2022-02-21T02:04:31+02:00
  1. The course is based on the NetAcad Platform course, as well as the Moodle Platform course.
  2. The course ends with written exam with open questions.
  3. To be allowed to take the exam you must first complete the laboratory.
  4. The final grade will be given according to the grading scale specified in the table below.
Exam score (given in %) Final grade
[90, 100] 5.0
[85, 90) 4.5
[80, 85) 4.0
[75, 80) 3.5
[70, 75) 3.0
[0, 70) 2.0