The Operating Systems 2 exam (the first term)

by Arkadiusz Chrobot published 2022/06/04 19:29:00 GMT+1, last modified 2022-10-01T13:40:22+01:00
The Operating Systems 2 exam (the first term) for the second year students of Computer Science from the English-speaking group.
  • When 23-06-2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Europe/Warsaw / UTC200)
  • Where rooom 3.12 D
  • Attendees Second year students of Computer Science from the English-speaking group.
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Operating Systems 2 exam (the first term) will be held on 23.06.2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the room 3.12 D. Only students who passed the laboratory classes can take a part in the exam.