Project passing rules
Project passing rules:
Project must be implemented as client-server system written in Java
The topic of the project should be chosen by student at least on the second classes
Every student should present the work progress at least 5 times in the semester
The version control system should be used to work with project. Student should create repository and give access to the teacher.
The final version of the project should be committed to the repository before final presenting of the project. The date of the final presenting of the project should be agreed with teacher by mail.
The final grade are dependent on:
- class attendance
- presentation of the work progress
- using of the version control system
- final presenting of the project
Plagiarism will be treated as failing in all possible attempts
Requirements for grades:
- grade 3: application logic
- grade 4: client-server
- grade 5: persistance mechanisms and unit tests
Example of project topics:
- Macau
- Battleships
- Chess
- Poker
- Monopoly
- Internet shop system
- Ticket sales system