.Net threads
This lab aims to familiarize you with the basics of the language c# along with elements of concurrent programming in .net
- Introduction
In 2000, Microsoft introduced the idea of standardizing the software for the Windows platform. Main features of .net:- new libraries
- new tools
- independence of the language (VB, C #, C ++, J #, and dozens of others)
- platform independence thanks to CIL - Common Intermediate Language
- Linux implementations, e.g. mono or dotGNU
- fully object oriented
- The garbage collection is handled by the runtime
- advanced programming mechanisms ( delegates, reflections, generics, lambdas, LINQ queries, etc.)
- a single package e.g. mscorelib.dll can contain multiple namespaces
- each namespace can contain multiple types
A few selected namespaces:- System - many useful types related to internal data, environment variables and garbage collection, as well as many common exceptions and attributes.
- System.Collections - Definition of multiple container types, as well as base types and interfaces, to build custom collections.
- System.Data, - Communication with relational databases using ADO.NET
- System.IO - Many types used in file I / O, data compression, and port manipulation.
- System.Reflection - Types that support runtime type detection as well as dynamic type creation.
- System.Drawing, System.Windows.Forms - Types Used to Build Windowing Applications Using the Original .Net UI Toolset (Windows Forms)
- System.ServiceModel - It is used to build distributed applications using WCF API (Windows Communication Foundation)
- System.Web - It is used to build ASP.NET web applications
- System.Threading - Numerous types for building multithreaded applications
- System.Xml - XML-related namespaces
- First program (0.1 points)
Start Visual Studio
Create a new console project named Threads , the name of the solution can be e.g. lab1 or DotNet1
Rewrite code below to Program.cs:class Program { static int iterations = 10; static int threadCount = 10; static void PrintSomething() { Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " Begin printing numbers:"); Random rand = new Random(); for (int ii = 0; ii < iterations; ii++) { Console.Write("{0}, ", ii); //print number Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0, 2000)); //wait for a moment between 0 and 2 s } Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " ended printing."); } static void Main(string[] args) { Thread[] threadArray = new Thread[threadCount]; for (int ii = 0; ii < threadCount; ii++) //create, name and start threads { threadArray[ii] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PrintSomething)); threadArray[ii].Name = "Thread no " + ii.ToString(); threadArray[ii].Start(); } foreach (Thread watek in threadArray) //wait for all threads { watek.Join(); } Console.WriteLine("That's all, press ENTER..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Compile and run F5 (debug mode) or ctrl + F5 (release mode). - Passing a parameter to a thread function (0,5 points)
In the above program, 10 threads were created to perform 10 iterations of the loop. The number of iterations is now hard-coded as a global variable. Create a new function DisplaySomethingPar, which can be passed via parameter the number of iterations to be performed by it. Use it to create 10 threads. - Threads and lambda notation (0,5 point)
Run 10 threads anonymously by passing the number of iterations in the parameter. Use lambda notation. - Priority (1.5 points)
- Create two threads (threadH and threadL) and 16 threads in them, where we execute the Thread.SpinWait (1000000000) statement; (with slower computers this value can be reduced).
- In H type threads, we set the property before start Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest
- In threads of type LPriority = ThreadPriority.Lowest.
- Start both threads.
- Use Stopwatch to measure how many milliseconds it takes to execute H threads and L threads (H and L threads should run simultaneously). Which threads ran faster?
- When the program is stable (we can wait for its end), you can set the priority of the process at the very beginning Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime;
- Run and watch what happens
- Threads and lock (1 point)
- Add a new project Synch to the existing solution.(choose from the context menu of solution Add->New Project)
- Set a new project as default to run (select from the context menu of the project Set as StartUp Project)
- Using the code from your first project, create 10 threads that follow the method below.
static void PrintSomething() { Random rand = new Random(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);//init random by thread no Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0, 100)); Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " begin writeing:"); for (int ii = 0;ii<liczbaIteracji;ii++) { Console.Write("Alice "); Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0, 100)); //sleep on 0 to 0,1 s Console.Write("has "); Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0, 100)); //sleep on 0 to 0,1 s Console.WriteLine("a cat " + ii); Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0,2000));//sleep on 0 to 2s } Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " end writeing."); }
- Compile and see how it works for several threads
- Use lock so that any " Ala has a cat" text is displayed integrally, but you should this in that way the program will run as fast as possible without removing sleeps.
- Note that the opening and closing inscription can also be interlaced with the display of the Ala has a cat. This also needs to be secured.
- Ending Threads (0,9 points.).
- Add a new console project to the current solution and name it Ending . Use .net < 5.0 (not .core)
- Use the following code to create and start a thread:
Thread thread = new Thread(() => { Console.WriteLine("Wątek uruchomiony i idzie spać..."); try { Thread.Sleep(2000); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException tiex) { Console.WriteLine("I cought exception ThreadInterruptedException: " + tiex.Message); } catch (ThreadAbortException taex) { Console.WriteLine("I cought exception ThreadAbortException: " + taex.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("I'm doing finally"); } Console.WriteLine("Thread finished in normal way"); }); thread.Start();
- In the main thread, add a wait for a child thread and then interrupt the thread with Interrupt . Watch what is happening on the console.
- Use Abort instead of Interrupt. Watch what is happening on the console.(but in .net 5.0 or .core this cause PlatformNotSupportedException)
- Now before Abort add a 1 second sleepa and see the results again.
- In the block that catches ThreadAbortException , apply ResetAbort and observe the differences.
- Thread states (0,5 points)
Add printout of thread state to above program to get below states, check for Abort and Interrupt:- Unstarted
- Unstarted, AbortRequested
- Running
- WaitSleepJoin
- AbortRequested
- Aborted
- Stopped
- Report
Don't forget the report