
by Paweł Paduch published 2020/11/12 09:20:45 GMT+2, last modified 2020-11-12T09:22:01+02:00
Create and use shared memory

Shared Memory

We learn how to create and use shared memory.

  1. introduction
    • Use the shmget
      function to create a shared memory segment
      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <sys/ipc.h>
      #include <sys/shm.h>
      int shmget (key_t key, int size, int shmflag);

      • returns the memory ID or -1 on error
      • key - key identifying shared memory
      • size - specifies the memory size in bytes
      • semflag - is a combination of symbolic constants specifying access rights

      Numerical value Symbolic constant Meaning
      0400 SHM_R reading by the owner
      0200 SHM_A change by owner
      0040 SHM_R>>3 reading by the group
      0020 SHM_A>>3 changing by group
      0004 SHM_R>>6 reading by others
      0002 SHM_A>>6 changing by others
      1000 IPC_CREAT  
      2000 IPC_EXCL  
    • shmget creates or opens a shared memory segment, but to use it you must attach it

      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <sys/ipc.h>
      #include <sys/shm.h>
      char *shmat(int shmid, char *shmaddr, int shmflag);
      • the function returns the starting address of the shared memory segment, or -1 on error
      • the address is determined according to the following rules:
        • when shmaddr = 0 then the system chooses the address itself
        • when shmaddr != 0 then the forwarded address depends on whether the SHM_RND tag is set
          • if not set, the shared memory segment will be attached from the address specified by the shmaddr argument
          • if set, it will start with an address rounded down by the value of the constant SHMLBA (Lower Boundary Address)
      • for most uses it is enough to give 0
      • shmid - shared memory identifier returned by shmget
      • shmflag - may have a tag, e.g. SHM_RDONLY
    • disconnection of shared memory is done with

      int shmdt (char * shmaddr);
      This function does not delete the shared memory segment
    • to delete a shared memory segment use the following function:
      int shmctl (int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds * buf);
      • with the cmd argument as IPC_RMID

  2. Write a server program that:
    • creates a shared memory segment of a size that allows writing to a variable of typeint (0,4p)
    • creates two semaphores: 1 lowered, 2 raised (0,4p)
    • in the loop executes: lower semaphore 2, waits a random time from 0 to 1 second, enters the next number (starting from 1) into the shared variable, raises semaphore 1 (1.5p)
    • program should remove shared memory and semaphores after pressing ctrl ^ c (0,5p)
    • make sure that only one server program creates semaphores and memory (exclusive mode) (0,2p)

  3. Write a client program that:
    • attaches to memory segments and semaphores(0,5)
    • looped (10 times), lower semaphore 1, reads the value from shared memory, raises semaphore 2, displays value, waits a random time from 0 to 1 second (1)
    • check the operation of several clients at once (0,5).
      Launch clients in one terminal, e.g. this way(./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & ./client & )
    • is there a danger that two clients will get the same number?

  4. Report
    Don't forget the report